2010年1月24日 星期日

Hiking in the Snow

Mt. Baldy雪中登山

日期: 1/30/2010 星期六, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
集合時間: 8:00 整
集合地點: 聖達臺福基督教會
2245 S. Hacienda Blvd., Hacienda Heights



  1. 自己的飲用水
  2. Hiking Boots (很重要!一般布鞋太滑又容易濕)
  3. 帽子、圍巾、背包、extra 襪子、太陽眼鏡、登山杖 (若有的話)
  4. 中餐可自備或到山頂滑雪場的 Cafeteria 自購
  5. 零食、餅乾可隨時充饑
  6. 若需要結省體力或時間者, 可搭 Ski Lift 上山 ,下山,或雙程。 每趟 $6
  7. 每部車都要有 Wilderness Parking Permit, 每張 $5 (Big5 有賣)

08:00 Meeting at EFC Hacienda Heights for hiking briefing and car pool arrangement.

08:15 Departure for Mt. Baldy. Taking freeway 60 east and 57 north then 210 east to exit at Mountain Ave. north. Following the Mountain Ave. northward to connect Mt. Baldy Road and all the way up toward Mt. Baldy and ending at the junction with San Antonio Falls Road.

09:45 Arriving at the trail head on the west (left) side of Mt. Baldy Road junction with San Antonio Road.

10:00 Starting for 3 miles hiking at 6,200 ft elevation.

12:30 Atop the Mt. Baldy Ski at 7,800 ft elevation for lunch at the Cafeteria.

13:30 Leaving Mt. Badly Ski by hiking down (2 hours) or taking ski-lift (20 minutes) to trail head.

15:30 Driving home from trail head.

16:45 Back to EFC Hacienda Heights.

若有問題著, 請洽領隊芳明兄。
