天文台爬山、郊遊 - Griffith Park Observatory
5/1/2010 星期六早上8:00 潘英雄兄嫂將帶領信望愛團契出遊到 Griffith Park 的天文台 (看上圖),我們將有大約兩個小時來回的 hiking 到 Hollywood Sign 附近的山頭。 英雄兄嫂上個星期親自到現場走了一趟, 他們說,"好美!路上有很多野花。站在山頭上有360 度的視線,可看到 Santa Monica,Downtown, San Gabriel Valley. 路很好走, 連小孩都適合。" Hiking 過後,將參自由參觀天文台內的展示。 預計下午兩點回到教會。教會的其他團契、弟兄姊妹也一同受邀參加,請大家預留時間邀親朋一起參加。
集合時間:5/1/10 星期六早上8:00正
集合地點: 聖達教會
需帶物品: 自己的水、零食、太陽眼鏡、防曬油、帽子、運動 鞋等等。
停車: 免費,但是不容易,到時可能要走一段路。鼓勵大家 carpool.
午餐: 自備。也可在天文台購買,但是價錢高些。您若耐得住餓,文欽長老可指點您回 La Puente (在 World Buffet 附近)吃 頂新鮮的現炸的(sorry)魚、蝦、蠔、scallop, Zukini,或薯條。每一份價錢大 約 5-7 元, 量多、皮酥脆又薄, 很好吃!餐館很小,6 個桌子坐位僅容20人, 卻有 "A" rating.
喜歡看 Planetarium (天文星象) Show 的可排隊買票,此票只可在當天購買, 票價和時間表如下:
Adults and Children 13 years and older $7.00 | ||||
FOTO Members $5.00 | ||||
Seniors (60 years and older) $5.00 | ||||
Students (must show ID) $5.00 | ||||
Children 5-12 years $3.00 | ||||
Small Children [under 5 years old] (Small children must sit on the lap of a parent or guardian)
Tickets for each show are sold until 10 minutes before the start of that show, unless tickets have been sold out prior to that time. For example, tickets for the 1:45 p.m. planetarium show will be taken off sale at 1:35 p.m. There is a limit of 8 planetarium tickets per transaction. Coming on a tour or other group bus does NOT entitle you to purchase blocks of planetarium tickets. 其他詳細情形可點看下面的天文台網站: |
See you and your family at Church on Saturday 5/1/10 at 8:00 a.m.Sharp!!!
Get Ready to Hike!