2010年4月27日 星期二

天文台爬山、郊遊 - Griffith Park Observatory

5/1/2010 星期六早上8:00 潘英雄兄嫂將帶領信望愛團契出遊Griffith Park 的天文台 (看上圖),我們將有大約兩個小時來回的 hiking 到 Hollywood Sign 附近的山頭。 英雄兄嫂上個星期親自到現場走了一趟, 他們說,"好美!路上有很多野花。站在山頭上有360 度的視線,可看到 Santa Monica,Downtown, San Gabriel Valley. 路很好走, 連小孩都適合。" Hiking 過後,將參自由參觀天文台內的展示。 預計下午兩點回到教會。教會的其他團契、弟兄姊妹也一同受邀參加,請大家預留時間邀親朋一起參加。

集合時間5/1/10 星期六早上8:00正
集合地點: 聖達教會
需帶物品: 自己的水、零食、太陽眼鏡、防曬油、帽子、運動 鞋等等。
停車: 免費,但是不容易,到時可能要走一段路。鼓勵大家 carpool.
午餐: 自備。也可在天文台購買,但是價錢高些。您若耐得住餓,文欽長老可指點您回 La Puente (在 World Buffet 附近)吃頂新鮮的現(sorry)魚、蝦、蠔、scallop, Zukini,或薯條。每一份價錢大 約 5-7 元, 量多、皮酥脆又薄, 很好吃!餐館很小,6 個桌子坐位僅容20人, 卻有 "A" rating.

Saved by the Hef

喜歡看 Planetarium (天文星象) Show 的可排隊買票,此票只可在當天購買, 票價和時間表如下:

Adults and Children 13 years and older $7.00

FOTO Members $5.00

Seniors (60 years and older) $5.00
Students (must show ID) $5.00
Children 5-12 years $3.00
Small Children [under 5 years old]
(Small children must sit on the lap of a parent or guardian)

Weekends (Saturday and Sunday):

Block 1 (on sale at 10:00 a.m.): 10:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 12:45 p.m.
. . . . . . .

Tickets for each show are sold until 10 minutes before the start of that show, unless tickets have been sold out prior to that time. For example, tickets for the 1:45 p.m. planetarium show will be taken off sale at 1:35 p.m.

There is a limit of 8 planetarium tickets per transaction. Coming on a tour or other group bus does NOT entitle you to purchase blocks of planetarium tickets.




Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory

See you and your family at Church on Saturday 5/1/10 at 8:00 a.m.Sharp!!!
Get Ready to Hike!
